
The Cluster Fuck that is the American Apparel Holiday Factory Sale

Leeds and I went to the American Apparel factory sale. She went to buy gifts for other people and I went to update my wardrobe with some basics for the 09.

By the time we got there at 9 a.m. there were already hundreds of multi-ethnic hipsters in six-flag-style lines welcoming us. Seriously it was very hard to be originally dressed at this thing.

After TWO HOURS of waiting in a line with an obnoxious a crew of teenage girls from either the valley, the west-side or Glendale who spoke Israeli (or something like that) behind us, we were in.
One big thing that irked us was that they played Christmas music, ay wtf American Apparel I thought I had left work. At least they played our holiday jams "All I Want for Christmas" by Mariah and "Sleigh Ride" by TLC.
We had to rummage through a ton of cardboard boxes full of cotton/unisex/colorful clothing. It was hard to find my size and a lot of the clothes were fucked up i.e. they were cut weird, they were discolored, they had holes. In fact a couple of the shirts I bought have fixable holes in them. Seriously who the hell is a XXS?! I tried on some shit and found out that I have gained some weight (NO BUENO) that's why I'm eating on the low low.After four hours of being there we were good to go.

Toward the ends Leeds got a battle wound. OUCH!
57 bucks for 10 pieces of clothing, ain't too bad eh?